Saturday, January 12, 2013

New Year New Resolution

It wasn't very long ago I had this urge to begin writing on this personal blog of mine again!  I've been so busy since I last wrote nearly a year ago in March of 2012 to announce my baby sister's birth to all my friends and family.  I worked a little bit for the summer as a junior counselor, which I enjoyed very much!  Then while I was there a giant storm came through the east coast knocking all the power out of my area and beyond for over a week.  I got to go on a nice family vacation. I went on a few small trips, went to two concerts of the same favorite band of mine, Newsboys.  Met new people, saw new things and really had a blessed year.  It was a challenging year, and it certainly wasn't the best year of my life but it was a really blessed year when I look back on it.   For the end of the year I celebrated with spending a weekend at my favorite camp on earth with some of the most amazing people in the world. And most importantly grew closer to God. :)

For 2013 I've made a few "new years resolutions"

1. Grow closer to God and have a more steady walk with Him.

2.  Find more orphans in eastern Europe with Down syndrome forever families.

3. Post more often on my personal blogs.

4. Exercise more often and have fun while doing it. :)

So not too many but that's pretty much the extent of it.  Haha yeah most would look at it and say "Lame." in their heads, and for most people it does sound that way but not for me.  It's really exciting to me!  I'm so full of hope and encouragement! :)

2013 is going to be full of lots of firsts and lasts for me.  And it's already feeling so bittersweet.  People keep asking me if I'm excited to turn 17 soon and my answer is "Yes..but I'm sad too"  Hahaha!  I'm a dork like that.   In all honesty I'm thrilled for the changes and the chances in this year though!  I'm so anxious to see what all God has in store for my life this year.

I'll try to update this blog more often than I did last year!  It's my promise and resolution so you know that means something! ;)

Thanks for reading and please follow or subscribe to the emails! :)